Wednesday, March 4, 2015


Started a fbook page for the cars. A couple good friends are admins and may also be posting their own builds if they get out of the garage. I also thought it was a good idea since I wouldn't have to open up my personal page and could now share photos without having to do it on another group's page. It also keeps my personal page somewhat more clear of car fanaticism. Somewhat

I'm currently recovering from death so I've got nothing to do but catch up on laundry and post old motivational pictures until I can make it back outside and actually fix my 24o z after the fateful track incident which occurred longer ago now than I care to admit.

I intend to keep posting full detailed blog posts here of the re-rebuild, which will be extensive. I will probably post the teaser links of which to the fbook page, as well as selected photos from blog posts which will be grouped into themes, like suspension or engine, in a similar fashion as I did here with my simple picture thread on Hybridz <speaking of which I may also update this go-round>. I'll add quick photo comments to these and it should be easier to follow without having to know how to read. I'll post the blog post links the pictures came from in the album info if you want more details, or as always, more pictures.


ps, thoughts on the new arrangement are appreciated. 

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