Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Has it really been exactly 2 months since my last blog?! This is uncalled for, I know, but I have been busy. Since I don't want to get into another tirade about iPhoto and Picasa (the program, not the web album) not liking each other, I won't. But when I say "not liking each other" I really mean "completely hating one's very soul." It's outright stupid how these 2 programs interact, or not, as the case may be.

I burned a week of vacation to stay home and do. Being full of awesome for a week in 100* weather is actually hard to do, not to mention requires many loads of laundry. I would say on any given day I sweated through 4 shirts and one pair of jeans. Motivation is difficult to come by, especially when the lights in the garage seem to be on an uncontrollable timer (or in reality overheat and need to rest) when you need them most. There were several setbacks and modifications to the plan which I will get into later, but here's the final result.

I didn't build a car in 5 days like they do on TV with an unlimited budget, manpower, and the extra day when they still don't finish on time. I got countless cuts, bruises, spider bites, and completely missed the target date of the TDC summer opening dyno, but learned a lot about mock-up dimensioning, that I want to convert my MIG welder to a stick welder, and that Summit should be used for all business case models in classes concerning order processing and delivery speed.

Look for many upcoming entries as I recover from the blitz.

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